Meet our service partners

    We are committed to offering our clients the highest quality service. That’s why we partner with leading experts in pollinator preservation and biomonitoring technology.

    Explore our services

Wild bee partners


Wildbiene+Partner empowers individuals and businesses to support native bees and foster a healthier and more biodiverse future.

We work with Wildbiene+Partner to bring their state-of-the-art BeeHome Pro to properties around the world. This structure provides solitary wild bees with a safe place to nest and helps prevent habitat loss.

Environmental reporting partners


Apilab is an international research bureau specializing in environmental monitoring using honey bees. Their technical expertise focuses on assessing the impact of human activities on the environment and bee health.

Apilab analyzes samples taken from Alvéole hives to gather insights on the level and quality of biodiversity in the area. This data also contributes to large-scale research on pollinator protection.

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